Baca Grande Property Owners Association



What is the purpose of The Baca Grande Association?

The purpose and mission of the Association is to enhance the health, well being, safety, and property values in the Community (4th Art. of Inc., Sec a & c.).

How many Members are in Good Standing (MiGS)? 

As of 2023 there were 2,914 Members in Good Standing. Which means the Member’s assessments have been paid-in-full or the Member’s payments are current per an Association approved plan.

What are the key thresholds for voting at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)?

The AGM Quorum threshold is 20% of MiGS (Bylaws, Sec. 5.4). The budget veto threshold is a majority (50% + 1) of all Members (CRS 38-33.3-303, Sec. 4(a)(II)(A)). 

What is the policy regarding fire restrictions and controlled burns in The Baca Grande?

For the safety of the Community, all outdoor burning may be prohibited by federal, state, or local governmental authorities, and/or the Association (Declaration Sec. 11.4). In most instances, the Association defers to Fire Restrictions, and Fire Danger Ratings, as set forth by the United States Forest Service (USFS Fire Restriction Status for Pike and San Isabel N.F.).  If/when situations warrant within our local Community, the Association may place restrictions above and beyond those set forth by the USFS, state, and local authorities. Restrictions or “burn bans” are posted by the Fire Chief at the FireHouse, on this site, and placed with state dispatch. Please note, the Association has a standing burn ban on all common space within the Community.

How many Members, Lots, or Owners are in the Association?

As of 2023 there were 3,536 total “Lots.” Of those 3,536 Lots, 189 were owned by the County or the Association. So, there are 3,437 total paying/participating Members or Lots.

What is the Association’s assessment participation rate?

As of August 2023, the participation rate based on year-to-date monetary collections is >88%. Participation based on the total number of members paying or on a payment plan is >90%. Please note, the ‘participation’ rate calculation is slightly different than the ‘MiGS’ calculation in that someone is considering ‘participating’ if they’re making some effort towards meeting their payment plan; however, if payments are late then that member is technically not in good standing.’

Where do we find information regarding building requirements, permits, design guidelines, etc.?

All information related to the building process (including new construction, additions, outbuildings, fences, etc.) may be found in the “Design Guidelines & Permit Applications” folder of the Document Center under the “Resources” tab of this website. Online permit applications may be submitted under the “Contact” tab.

How do we find out if there are utility services at our property or to a property we may purchase?

For water and sanitation services please contact our friends at the Baca Grande Water & Sanitation District: 719-256-4310.

For electric, phone, and internet service please contact the wonderful folks at SLVREC: 719-852-3538